पंजीकरण / REGISTRATION (All Fields are Mandatory)

नाम / Name
[Note 1: Please do not use any prefix such as Shri/ Mr./ Ms./ Dr./ Mrs. Etc.]
पिता का नाम / Father's Name

[Note 1 : Please do not use any prefix such as Shri/ Mr./ Dr. Etc.]
[Note 2 : Candidate who has single parent may fill either Mother's Name or Father's Name in both the fields.]
माता का नाम / Mother's Name

[Note 1 : Please do not use any prefix such as Shri/ Mr./ Dr. Etc.]
[Note 2 : Candidate who has single parent may fill either Mother's Name or Father's Name in both the fields.]
लिंग / Gender
समुदाय / Community
बेंचमार्क दिव्यांग व्‍यक्तियो श्रेणी के उम्मीद्वार /Candidate of Persons with Benchmark Disability
जन्मतिथि / Date Of Birth
[Note :DOB as recorded in the Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate. Where Date of Birth is not available in certificate/mark sheets, issued by concerned Educational Boards, DOB as indicated in School leaving certificate will be considered (in case of Tamil Nadu & Kerala).]
जन्मस्थान / Place Of Birth
[Note: Enter Name of Village/City/Town]
राज्य का नाम जहां आप का जन्म हुआ था
Name of the State where You were born

[Note: Please select Others if born outside india]
राष्ट्रीयता / Nationality
[Note: All candidates, except Citizen of India, will be required to produce certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India]
मोबाइल नंबर / Mobile Number
[Enter Your Mobile Number without 91 or +91 As. 9999988888]
[Please Note that any communication from UPSC will be sent on this mobile number only.]
मोबाइल नंबर की पुष्टि करें/ Confirm Mobile Number
ई-मेल का पता / E-mail Address
[Enter Your E-mail Address which is current and active as any communication from UPSC will be sent on this e-mail only.]
ईमेल पते की पुष्टि करें / Confirm E-mail Address
इच्छीत पासवर्ड / Desired Password
Password must fulfil following conditions:
A Lowercase Letter(a-z)
An Uppercase Letter(A-Z)
A Number (0-9)
Length of Password should be 10 to 20 characters
पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें / Confirm Password  
रैंडम छवि की पुष्टि करें / Confirm Random Image  


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